The table below highlights our accomplishments over the past eighteen years. The fees charged in private practice in Jamaica do not vary significantly from those in the United States. It is important to know that all the patients received free dental service. What was very rewarding was to see the return of many patients who were initially screened and had started treatment in April of 2000. The return of these patients further reinforces our commitment to continue the service that we are providing to these underserved individuals. Restorations and dental cleanings were the most frequently requested dental service. We consider the dental mission to be a great success because over the years we were able to provide free dental care to several thousands of children and adults who would otherwise receive no dental care. We try to provide as much comprehensive care as possible with a strong emphasis on prevention. We are making significant progress in our goal to restore more carious teeth, thereby preventing the early loss of these teeth from decay. So far, we have placed several thousands of amalgam/composite restorations. Also, the nonsurgical periodontal care of scaling and root planing that we provide annually will help to slow the progression of periodontal disease which can lead to early tooth loss in adults. Patients with urgent dental needs were examined and treated immediately.